Write Reports

Add brief comments about each student and allow the AI to generate full flowing, perfectly formed reports in seconds!

Google Classroom

Save time by allowing our app to pull your students' names from Google Classroom enabling you to generate your reports in seconds!

Fair Pricing

Fair, pay as you go pricing, according to the complexity and size of your reports. Add credits when you need to with unused credits never expiring.

Teachers AI School Report Writer


Write personalised school reports for all your students in seconds by utilizing our cutting edge AI.

Simply enter a few bullet points for each of your students and allow the AI to write a full flowing report.

Get Started Today with 50 FREE student reports & no credit card required!

Nothing to download - all done in the browser.


Example reports

Maths report (130 word output)
Input given for this student: "Quiet, hardworking. Needs to ask questions more. 39% in practice examination. Needs to revise and complete past papers."

Student School Report below:

School Report Writer



English report (120 words output)
Input given for this student: "Cheerful and active member of the class. Achieved 76% in end of year test. Comprehension better than written work."

Student report generated below:

Teachers Report Assistant


Personalized school reports for each student
Suitable for Secondary / High School and Primary / Junior School reports
Perfect spelling and grammar every time
Set each reports word count and style
Fully Multilingual - Teacher input and report output can be any language
Google Classroom integration
Export the student reports to xlsx or docx files
Ultra low cost Teachers school report writer
Free to get started with 50 complimentary student reports and no credit card required

When signing up and logging in, you will be prompted to allow the app access to your Google Classroom account. This permission is required if you wish to use the import student names feature which will automatically import your students and classes into the app so you do not manually have to add your students. We do not store any information from your Google Classroom account other than class information and students names. 

50 FREE Credits for signing up!

Teachers Report Writer

Free Credits

Sign up today and get using the system right now. We will give you 50 free credits just for signing up! Enough to generate a whole class set of reports.

Student Report Writer

Perfect Reports

Perfect reports every time. The more input you give, the more tailored are the reports and always written in excellent English! No more reports being returned for corrections!

Class Report Generator

Export as docx / xlsx

Export your final class sets as Docx or Xlsx files which you can then upload to your school MIS, or copy and paste into wherever is required.